Money Managers
56 postsThat time I met John Wilson, now of Ninepoint Partners
John Wilson is not a fan of this blog. Sad!
3 min read
Ira Gluskin is still around, believe it or not
It’s 2023 and Ira Gluskin is still around. Can you believe it?
5 min read
Hedge fund performance roundup feat. Venator, Ewing Morris, etc.
The blind squirrels strike back. Some of them at least.
3 min read
Donville Kent: a hedge fund under pressure
Inexplicably bad performance from a veteran hedge fund manager.
4 min read
Jimmy Connacher is suing Caldwell Securities over Bridging Finance.
Jimmy Connacher’s heirs and Caldwell Securities are involved in a complex conflictual situation.
5 min read
Money Managers
At last, a respectable money manager on Bay Street
A unicorn in the land of monkeys throwing darts.
4 min read
Lawrence Bloomberg's reputation (1979-2022)
An update on Larry Bloomberg, BloombergSen and their new Optimist Fund.
5 min read
Greg Boland of West Face Capital has fallen
No one won from the Goliath vs Goliath fight that captivated Bay Street.
5 min read
Discord at the OSC says Globe
OSC's new chair Heather Zordel and the Ford government are pushing for reform.
3 min read
Harbourfront Wealth, a Bridging Finance bagholder, is high on spin but low on substance
Harbourfront Wealth's "secret sauce" smells like much horsecrap.
8 min read