Mark McQueen - Resumption of hostilities
I am launching some targeted ad hominem attacks on Mark McQueen.
5 min read
Mark McQueen - opening salvo
Background notes on the founder of Wellington Financial and former top honcho of CIBC Innovation Banking.
5 min read
I have an ethnic middle name
My most personal post, featuring Sir Christopher Ondaatje, Ian Joseph, Roy Ratnavel and last but not least, Pocahontas.
5 min read
OSC partly to blame for Traynor Ridge debacle
The OSC pretends it knows who has the skill to manage money.
3 min read
Westcourt Capital and David Kaufman caught in Traynor Ridge debacle
On the dangers of chasing magical "alternatives".
2 min read
Chris Callahan of Traynor Ridge Capital - Death in hedge land
A young hedge funder dies amidst major trading losses.
1 min read
Anson Advisors SEC first skirmish
Anson Advisors gets a slap on the wrist from the SEC. It's consensual.
2 min read
EdgePoint, Krembil and the epidemic of money-hungry hoes
EdgePoint and Bob Krembil are once again cavorting with an English money-hungry hoe.
5 min read
Moray Tawse: A billionaire straight outta Rexdale
The lesser-known co-founder of mortgage lender First National.
3 min read